Renewing your mind part 2
The Force IS with you...
The Force IS with you...
These words ring through every boys thoughts after he watches the star wars trilogy. Beware of the dark side Luke. It's there to tempt you to dress in black and wear a cape and a helmet. Don't get too close the allure of evil will draw you into it's web.
Well, unfortunately, many of us grew up with the same theologies. While we weren't groomed in the art of wielding a murderous laser beam, and fight off storm troopers. We were told that we were to stay as far away from what was perceived as evil as possible. We heard many times that a little leaven spoils the whole lump. We must abstain from every appearance of evil, or it will drag us in. After all that sin we were being protected from is so much fun there is an unstoppable tractor beam attached and the temptation will be too much to bare, and we will fall prey to the enemy. If we associate, or heaven forbid we strike up a conversation with someone labeled as evil. Our eternal soul is at stake...
OK, enough of the facetious banter. While it sounds incredibly fear based, and absolutely counterproductive way of living if we feel that helping the lost find salvation is a major mandate for a "Christian", this is in fact how many of us matured in what we called the Gospel, or "Good News". So this brings me to my experience today...
My second job was small. Just added a touch pad for an existing customer. This job would only take 45 minutes on any given day, but little did I know I was meeting Jack (name changed for anonymity). Jack was a soft spoken man, very kind natured with peculiar jewelry choice. I noticed right away that he was donning a pentagram around his neck. My religious hairs began to stand up on the back of my neck. That childhood flight response to evil was creeping in. Then I noticed an even more defined pentagram in his closet. Continuing my conversation with Jack, and chitchatting about our jobs and such, I completed the install. I asked if I may do my paperwork in his office, which he graciously allowed me. As I was completing my phone calls I noticed that the walls in his office were decorated with goat heads (yes actual goat masks) and a large wall hanging of what seemed to be a Gothic rendition of a goat man on a throne, which I typically thought was a satanic symbolism. On other walls I saw a picture of Anton Szandor LaVey (founder of the church of Satan) as well as a manifesto of his, framed beneath. I realized that I was in the presence of someone who didn't share my views on the holy trinity, or Christ in me the hope of Glory..This was someone clearly having different views on deity. Along with all of the satanic paraphernalia, books and other objects were some plaques with certificates of appreciation from the Freemason society, as well as two holy Bibles on the bookshelf. The latter sparked a somewhat conflicting question in my mind. One which couldn't be ignored. How does a man so bent on the "dark side" have God's word in his literary collection? So, I said "please, don't take any offence to this question, but....." . I went on to explain why my curiosity was peaked. I asked how freemasonry played into his belief system. He explained that he had researched religion his whole life and found the only one that fit, satanism. Yes, I was in the presence of a full on acting satanist, and he was willing to carry on a dissertation of sorts with me in regards to what I believe, and who I am. As well as answering every question I had. I shared with him that I was a pastor, and why I felt my God, and His Son, were the reason I live. He had many hard questions for me as well, and I thank the Spirit for guiding me in my answers. Amazingly enough, as I stood there talking to Jack for the better part of an hour I felt no fear. I was filled with such a confidence in my God, that the fear of a little demon jumping on me never entered my mind. Praise God. At one point in the conversation I let Jack know that I hated organized religion as much as he did, I thought his jaw was going to hit the ground. He stammered a little, regained his composure and continued to tell me how there is no longer a need to believe in higher powers or deities. That man is there own god, and that we had evolved through the need for a reigning god. While much of what he told me was heresy, and I was saddened by his coldness about anything spiritual, I felt he was being completely candid and honest. His views on the spirit world shocked me. I always assumed that satanists were worshipers of their god Satan. He informed me that they don't view Satan as a being, but rather as a mindset. That the only thing they really worship is self. Each individual worships their own life. I asked about the sinister side of the satanic that we hear about. His claim was that true satanism is about yourself, not sacrificing things to Lucifer, and any ritual that they would do would be to remove negative energies from themselves. Definitely, not what I expected.
So as I sit here thinking of my days events. Thinking about divine appointments, and the fact I believe in no chance encounters. I have to wonder, was my time in his home effective? Did I change the atmosphere in that demonic home? It wouldn't have been too long ago that I would have finished what I was doing and got out of dodge. See God is renewing my mind. Satan no longer frightens me, because my Pappa sent His Son to stomp out the devil and defeat him. My God is bigger than Jack's god. Today I had an opportunity to witness to a full fledged satanist, and I was happy to oblige. Bringing the love of Jesus to Jack and showing him that his search for answers wasn't over. He may proclaim satanism as the end of his search, but the Spirit left an imprint in every room I tread. Now, Jack didn't accept Jesus today. But I believe Jack met a lover of Jehovah that looked different than others he's encountered. Because I'm not backing down from you devil, you go to hell and stay there. We carry the love of Christ, He's in us, let's act like it. The same principle of a little leaven affects the whole lump can apply to us as well. A little light makes a lot of darkness flee...
Jack I pray that our time together was fruitful. May God water the seed that was planted in you and your family today. I pray for your salvation, and a multitude of spiritual, Godly fruit to spring forth from you..
Be Blessed.....