When you lay there in the solitude of your bed, and reflect on the day's events. Only then do you realize the significance of each detail that composed your "life" that day. The lessons learned, the people we impacted, or those that impacted us. Just like grade school, you don't appreciate it in the moment, but come to realize without it you'd be pretty ignorant. As I lay awake rolling life through my head, and thanking Pappa that He once again blessed me in so many ways, I realized I had just witnessed a four hour example of the Father's love.
Jadon, my oldest, opened the front door. "holy cow", he explained, "it's raining so hard it sounds like the hose is on". laughing it off, we told him to open the door wider so we could hear it. Well the fact was is it sounded like this, because one of our main sprinkler valves, right next to the house, had broke sending copious amounts of water into the air and flooding our entryway. This was not a welcome site. We had just nestled in to watch a good shoot em up flick that was just getting good and tense, but this seemed like something a little more important so I reluctantly went about repairing it. I found the problem, shut off the water to the house, and did what every red blooded, macho husband, and self respecting father would do. I called my dad. Yea, that's what we do, because in situations like this he always knows what to do. To which, like so many times before, he volunteers to leave his comfortable ez-chair and come to my rescue. My son, who by the way loathes grade school, asked me why I called gram pa. I proudly said, "because gram pa knows everything, he's the smartest man in the world". So within an hour, with my fathers sacrifice, my deluge was all but dried up, and I was back on my couch enjoying my movie. As the plot unfolds in the movie, the underdog gets the upper hand, and the hero saves the day. Saving the day, in this case, was giving a back room blood transfusion to his estranged daughter. While giving the transfusion it becomes evident that he will not live if he continues. The choice must be made to stay hooked up, giving life to his severely wounded daughter, or save himself and unplug. He chooses the road to legacy. He chooses to give life to someone he barely knew because he was here father. At that cinematic moment my daughter, Kendra, pipes up and asks "would you do that for me?" My answer was a resounding YES. Without thinking my answer came from deep within. Knowing that that's what father's do. The life of those we give life becomes far more important then our own.
So the revelation that came to me 60 min later while horizontally posed on my pillow-top, was this. As easy as my answer came, so it is with our amazing heavenly Father. He gives us the the metaphoric picture of father and child relationship so that we can grasp how much His heart burns for us. As easy as it was for me, it's that much easier for Pappa God. As willing as my father was, and always has been, to jump at any need and rush to my rescue. How much more willing would Father be to drop everything to meet your greatest need. After all His love was so great that He sent his only son to die for the billions who would be his children. So when the word says "He will meet all my needs" it ain't lying. Each one of us got a transfusion of eternal blood, when Jesus decided we were worth His legacy. He decided we were worth dying for. That night in my bed I felt honored to have been interrupted, muddied, and inconvenienced. It was in those hours I caught a glimpse of what is meant by "the Father's Love"
Be Blessed..
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